Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today's Sale Rack Find 3/23

I've been awful about posting this week, but things have not been going my way. I lost my debit card yesterday and I've had to order a new one, which is such a pain because I won't get out for about 5-9 days. I've also been such the past few days. Grr! But hopefully I'll have a little more free time to post over the next few days :)

Today I went to lunch with my mom and one of her friends. After we ate we shopped around for a bit and I spotted this amazing denim jacket in Anthropologie in the sale room. I'm in love. This is seriously so perfect for spring! And I finally own a denim jacket! My mom was nice enough to get it for me, and I will definitely get good use of it :)

Look at that beading detail on the collar! Very unique! Anthropologie is one of my favorite stores but it's so darn expensive that I only own a few things from there, must of which were purchased on consignment.

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